
From the VLOG

Historical Words of Inspiration

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.

Anatole France
Believe: Treat Depression with three self esteem steps. Enjoy the beach clouds country dock

Believe: What Pulls at the Foundation of Your Soul?

I am often posed with questions regarding the need to find hope—that spirit that seems to elude many in the daily quest to create existential bliss out of the angst so commonly seen. This leads me to wonder, what pulls at the foundation of your soul as you seek to believe in the journey well lived?

This question is rhetorical. It is meant to get your mind thinking in the right direction. Look at the picture above. Where does it lead? I see elements of beauty blended in a chorus of color and balance. But what did it take to create?

If we look only at the dock, it likely took a few weeks of labor, the work from one’s precious time to create a launching place to see a beautiful sunrise. Now, let us look at the majesty behind the dock. We need only fathom the millennia it took to create the shimmering reflective mirror of the lake or the gentle upsurge of the mountains in the background. Our time pales compared to the Earth’s patience in its endeavors for beauty.

A mystic poet once said,

Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.


What could we do with just a little patience like that?

While there is beauty to be found at each moment, there appears to be an ever-present clock ticking that distracts the soul from its grounding force. Medication, joylessness, meditation, and mindfulness are prevalent these days. But why? The answer may be simpler than the complexity that buys our attention daily.

The ego is that sense of I that is grounded in the now. It does not see the sky’s light beyond the shadow it casts. However, once it realizes that it overshadows itself, this realization creates the pathway needed to re-engage the light of a life-giving force. This force is simply more significant than the feeble creation the ego grasps to secure itself in its uncertain reality.

The Earth and the Sun take part in a cosmic dance. When we visit this symbolically, we shouldn’t see one being of greater importance than the other. They are collectively linked to the foundation of life that sustains us in our journey to undertake those shadowy yet beautiful paths that open us to the nature of our dreams.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” What a beautiful concept. Dream, act, believe, receive. I don’t know of any other way to create beauty, such as the mountains and lake in the background of the dock built from the labor of one or many who chose to undertake that pathway to beauty.

“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” Here is the trick. Even in the shadow, it is up to us to find the silver lining of the loving light present that casts its gaze upon us. With patience and persistence, we can realize the beauty of a journey undertaken, not the destination achieved.

Believe: Find 3 Good Things to Engage Hope

Depression can be inundating. It can tax us at the foundational level of hope. Here is an exercise to focus the mind away from depression, believe in yourself, and re-engage hope. 

  • Journal one good thing that happened to you today.
  • What was your contribution to creating it?
  • Write a prayer, poem, or paragraph of gratitude and thanks. 
  • Repeat 3 times. 

You have now engaged in three steps to create a little hope in your life.

May blessings find you, my friends, on your journey to advance confidently down the beautiful pathways that lead to your dreams.

A Sacred Journey Podcast

The Secret 2 Success? FOCUS A Sacred Journey

The secret to success and happiness lies in our ability to focus. In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly multitasking, leading to a lack of focus and an inability to achieve productive goals. In this podcast, Dr. Tom explores our need to focus on one task at a time by giving it our full attention instead of trying to do everything simultaneously. By honoring personal dreams, aspirations, and the hidden gem of our imagination, which can be a source of inspiration and creativity, we may find that the secret to success lies in the practical approaches we take to create and sustain the balance between body, mind, and spirit. #focus #ADHD #success #inspiration — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thomas-maples8/message
  1. The Secret 2 Success? FOCUS
  2. Fatherhood: Our Mythic Journey
  3. Atomic Mindfulness: Breathe Now 2 Inner Peace
  4. Discover the Power of Body Scan Meditation
  5. 2 Shed the Old and Adopt New Beginnings

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